Monday, June 30, 2014

Annie, Oakley and Tev. a family.

Got to hold Oakley this evening - such Joy & Light around that little man!
The Kelley family Annie, Oakley, Tev.

Photo: I sure did not guess what he would look like! He is his own Little Man. { In his Pugga's hands...}
Oakley Knox Kelley
Son of Tev and Annie Workman Kelley
Photo: Snuggling with grandma Susan Workman
Grandma Susan with Oakley
Photo: Grandpa Rod helps with the first shift of the night while mom & dad sleep!

Grandpa Rod Workman takes his turn with the baby.


Saturday, June 28, 2014

Mustang Days Parade

Sandi Warnock's photo.
Keith Grant behind the steering wheel of this pontoon in the Lovell Parade.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Jared Grant and Camille

Copied this picture from Marianne's Blog, more pictures of Jared's trip to France there.

Evan Sharp with puppies

Vicki Alber's photo.Vicki Alber's photo.Its hard not to want to keep all of them. These little shorthairs have quite the personality. I think Evan has picked one though. Its funny that he goes for the same one all the time. We were playing yesterday with them and Evan would not stop laughing.  (Vicki Alber)Vicki Alber's photo.

JJ and Chloe Gatch have new pets.

Turtle life got more interesting when one tried to escape from the frisbee. He made it to.
This Turtle is escaping from the frisbee home.

The adventures of owning a turtle. Haha
JJ and Chloe trying to see inside the turtle shells.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Four Generations of the family in the Family HIstory room.

4 Generations picture while doing family history :)
Someone thought it would be a good idea to get a four generation picture this morning.
I agree, Sandi Warnock, Nixon McGowan, Anna McGowan, HelenKay Grant.
June 22, 2014.

Sharp kids Branding cattle near Harrison, Nebraska

It was a great weekend with some great people at the family branding! Loved getting to see everyone again, meet new people, and make memories with them! Harrison never disappoints
Photo courtesy Chyanna Sharp.
It was a great weekend with some great people at the family branding! Loved getting to see everyone again, meet new people, and make memories with them! Harrison never disappoints

J T Haack is in Korea

J.T. Haack is seen here with friends in native garb, he is stationed with the air force in Korea. 



Saturday, June 21, 2014

A day at the beach with Will, Luke and Austin Alber

Laura Szkudlarek Alber's photo.Laura Szkudlarek Alber's photo.Laura Szkudlarek Alber's photo.

Wayne Smith is K9 Officer.

That's right my husband is damn sexy!! The dog is cute too I guess!
Wayne Smith, Officer from Kingsland, Ga, recently received his certification as a K9 officer and his dog, a black lab, named Scarlett.  Officer Smith works with tracking dogs and now has Scarlett who is a drug dog. 

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Michael and Marianne Grant family had Utah outing.

Marianne has a blogspot to let people know what their family is doing.  If you havent taken a look at it lately you might want to check up on their latest adventures.  They have been busy. 

Jamie and Sandi's grandkids.

One more... All the Jamie & Sandi Warnock grand babies! Two more coming this year!I think they look like cousins, don't you? #instacollage

Monday, June 2, 2014

Brianna Graduated from Lovell HIgh School

Brianna and Eston Croft
Photo: Breanna

Tatum Stevens getting cuter every day

We are in so much trouble when she grows up, daddy better watch out!

Morning Cuddles

I don't know how he leaves every morning for work! I am sure grateful for all he does for our family!

Morning cuddles!

First Day of Home schooling at the Slinker home.

First day of homeschool is a big success! We started with doing a few worksheets before swim team practice . Zander went to his piano lesson while the girls and I stayed at the pool to watch Lizzie's lesson. (she's totally fearless!) picked Zander up, had lunch, put Lizzie down for a nap, and got busy.
My kids are so excited to learn, and full of questions. It was lots of fun! We learned about order and organization, and got thier notebooks ready. At the end, I was told "homeschool is fun!" yay!