I wanted to share a story that Nathan wrote home. Gives you a sense of what he is experiencing on his mission. "Right when I saw this I knew I had to write you. The... son of a couple I know just came over to our house from school. He doesn't have a bag, shoes or a white shirt like all the kids are supposed to. We asked if he was hungry because we have some bananas. He ate 3 faster than I have ever seen someone eat. The bag of bananas was on the ground and he was just squated down over it eating. He stopped and stood up and we asked if he was full, he said no so we told him to keep eating. He ate 4 or 5 more. I feel so bad, this family doesn't have anything; they are very very poor. Mom, it's 2 parents, 5 kids and 1 on the way. They live in a 2 room house smaller than the one I live in and they have no light. They are so happy yet they have nothing. I wish the whole family could see this so that we would all be thankful for what we have. Oh my gosh! Now another little boy just showed up and the two boys took some of our dishes outside to wash them for us. I told them no, but here people will do almost anything to serve someone else. These people are changing me ...... this life is changing me ....."

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